
Of a satellite launched successfully on their own how much countries?

North Korea announced late last year, "successfully launched the rocket, launched its own satellite into orbit". Part of "North Korea's rocket development country ranks!?" Has been focused on how the country developed rockets at these home and satellite launched successfully it would be in any country? Introduces the so called their rocket development countries.

-United States of America
American took a delay in Soviet Union, successfully launched Juno I type put the artificial satellite "explore 1" "in January 1958. Afterwards, has continued leading Soviet manned space flight, including, succeeded landed a man on the Moon in July 1969. Took the lead in the space race for the first time. After that always is pioneer in space exploration.

Former Soviet Union-Russia Federation
Soviet Union, the predecessor of the current Russia Federation is a successful satellite launch, for the first time in the world. Launched the rocket put the artificial satellite "Sputnik" in 1957, October. The United States was confronting the space development even at that time, launched "Sputnik 2," put the dog 11 / showing technical excellence.

Is the country in France as soon as possible stage rocket launched successfully. In 1965, 11-launched the first artificial satellite in France "Asterix". France's aerospace development contributed to current European space technology development.

Japan is 2/11/1970 the artificial satellite "ohsumi" of was successfully launched. 'Lambda rockets were used to launch at this time"is developed in collaboration with Tokyo University of aerospace research at present JAXA Space Science Institute and Nissan Motor. Car maker Nissan had contributed to the development of the rocket.

China also using the ' long March 1, ' rocket in April 1970, the satellite successfully launched "Eastern DFH 1,. China launched the "Shenzhou No. 5" in 2003, more than 30 years after it, became the successful third single manned space flight in the world.

-United Kingdom
British rocket development is not known and surprising. October 1971, the British succeeded in the launch of artificial satellite 'Prospero'. Currently it is the satellites Prospero this only succeeds in the United Kingdom.

India also is a rocket developed countries. Successfully launch satellites ' Rohini No.1 "in 1980. Then, 100 times more than India is one large rocket successfully launched the rocket, has poured 100 billion yen cost space development every year in the current great powers.

Is Israel Middle East countries also succeeded to launch a rocket. Successfully launch satellites called "オフェック" in 1988. Even then, we launch dozens of satellites.

Iran has successfully launched in rocket developed in their home countries in 2008, 'Saphir' ballast. Successfully launched in 2009's first domestically produced satellite "オミード" on.

Join the Korea launched successfully North Korea, as well as the other day here. What countries participate in the future?


昨年末、北朝鮮が「ロケットの打ち上げに成功し、自国の衛星を軌道上に投入した」と発表しました。一部では「北朝鮮がロケット開発国の仲間入り!?」なんて注目されましたが、こうした自国でロケットを開発し、衛星の打ち上げに成功した国というのはどんな国があるのでしょうか? いわゆる「ロケット開発国」たちを紹介します。











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